Thursday, April 3, 2008

Self-Made Man- discussion questions

  1. Vincent finally writes out for us that men are victims of the patriarchy as well, she continues however by saying, “that women have been co determiners in the system, at times as invested and active as men themselves in making and keeping men in their role.” p. 272 Do you agree with this statement? In what ways would Vincent say that women are co-determining the system (examples from the chapter on dating?).
  2. Quotes Adrienne Rich “our [women’s] blight has been our sinecure” “being the second sex imprisoned us, but it came with at least one sizable benefit. We didn’t have to carry the world on our shoulders” p. 259. How do you respond to this quote?
  3. “White manhood in American isn’t the standard anymore by which women and all other minorities are being measured and found wanting…It’s just another set of marching orders, another stereotype to inhabit” (280). Do you agree with this statement? What about the standards of “masculinity” for women in politics?
  4. Is the work the men are doing in their “men’s movement” group “troubling gender” by Butler’s definition? (Look at pg. 273 “I passed in a man’s world not because my mask was so real, but because the world of men was a masked ball”).
  5. In the interview at the end of the book (question 6) Vincent suggests that, “gender roles are born at least in part- perhaps in large part- of natural inclinations.” How do you respond to this statement?
  6. Vincent says often that the male role is like a straitjacket and says “one that is no less constrictive than its feminine counterpart” (276). However, are the ways in which they are restricting more severe for women than men?

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